Category Python

How to Run Python Code

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You can run Python code directly on a terminal as commands or save the code in a file with .py extension and run the Python file. Terminal Running commands directly on a terminal is recommended when you want to run…

Python Syntax

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Python is known for its clean syntax. The language avoids using unnecessary characters to indicate some specificity. Semicolons Python makes no use of semicolons to finish lines. A new line is enough to tell the interpreter that a new command…

Introduction to Python

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Python was created in 1990 by Guido Van Rossum in Holland. One of the objectives of the language was to be accessible to non-programmers. Python was also designed to be a second language to programmers due to its low learning…

How to Install Python 3

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If you use a Mac or Linux you already have Python installed, Windows doesn’t come with Python installed by default. But you might have Python 2 and we are going to use Python 3. Check if you have Python 3…

Membership Operators in Python

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These operators provide an easy way to check if a certain object is present in a sequence: string, list, tuple, set, and dictionary. They are: in: returns True if the object is present not in: returns True if the object…

Identity Operators in Python

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These operators are used to check if two objects are at the same memory location. Notice that they do not compare values, but memory location. They are: is: returns True if both objects are identical is not: returns True if…

Comparison Operators in Python

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Use comparison operators to compare two values. These operators return either True or False. They are: ==: Equal !=: Not equal >: Greater than <: Less than >=: Greater than or equal to <=: Less than or equal to Let’s…

Logical Operators in Python

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Logical operators are used to combine statements applying boolean algebra as shown in this article Booleans in Python. They are: and: True only when both statements are true or: False only when both x and y are false not: The…

Assignment Operators in Python

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As the name implies, these operators are used to assign values to variables. x = 7 in the first example is a direct assignment storing the number 7 in the variable x. The assignment operation takes the value on the…

Arithmetic Operators in Python

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Arithmetic operators are the most common type of operators and also the most recognizable ones. They allow you to perform mathematical operations. They are: +: Addition -: Subtraction *: Multiplication /: Division **: Exponentiation //: Floor Division, rounds down the…