Renan Moura

Renan Moura

I'm a Software Engineer working in the industry for a decade now. I like to solve problems with as little code as possible. I’m interested in solving all sorts of problems with technology in creative and innovative ways. From everyday shell scripts to machine learning models. I write about Software Development, Machine Learning, and Career in tech.

Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism in Python


This is the 4th article in a series on Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects in Python Object-Oriented Programming: Encapsulation in Python Inheritance in Python Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism in Python Read the article about Inheritance before diving into this one. Say…

The Python Debugger – PDB


Bugs are an inevitable part of a programmer’s life. A bug is an error in your code that makes your program produce unexpected results. Debugging is the process of locating the source of the error and fix it. The overall…

How to connect to a MySQL database in Python

connect mysql python

To connect with a MySQL database, you have to install a specific module with pip: pip install mysql-connector-python Then you import mysql.connector and to create a connection you call mysql.connector.connect(), passing the host, user, and password. In this example we…

Docstrings in Python


Docstrings are used to document your functions, classes, modules, and methods. A documentation is formal definition of what your function does, what it expects as arguments, and what it returns, including the types of the arguments and return. We use…