Category Lab

Beware of excess of “best practices”

Beware of excess of "best practices"

Unlike other disciplines that are more rigid and regulated like Civil Engineering, Software Engineering doesn’t have a set of rules to follow by law enforcement. You won’t go to jail if you don’t do TDD (Test-Driven Design), or even write…

The hard part is to continue

The hard part is to continue

Starting out is easy, the hard part is to continue. Anything for a while is easy: Work out for a while Study for a while Diet for a while Work right for a while Take good care of the family…

Learning Programming is Non-Linear

Learning is by no means a linear process, even in hard sciences like Math. It is very common to see people asking in groups, Reddit, and other forum-like places "What path should I take to become a Software Developer". Unfortunately,…

The Top Skill for a Software Developer

The Top Skill for a Software Developer

The #1 skill for a Software Developer is Adaptability or Learn to Learn (fast). If your career is long enough, after the frustration of seeing your favorite framework become "uncool" a few times, you will start to not care anymore.…

The side project myth is getting out of control

side project myth

I was reading this thread on Hackernews about Recruiters want people who do side projects, yet contracts forbid them?. The discussion is very interesting and boils down to "Does it even make sense to spend time on side projects or…

Do you want to be a Developer?

Maybe you are trying to enter the tech field with the thought of "Hey, I want to work in tech, I want to be a Developer". Tech is all the hype these days and the first career option that pops…

A Portfolio of Small Bets

A Portfolio of Small Bets

Last week I posted an article about Side Projects and Small Bets as a Developer. In this article, I want to expand on this concept of Small Bets and how you can have a Portfolio of Small Bets by giving…

Side Projects and Small Bets as a Developer

Last week I posted an article about Why become a Software Developer. If the market is that good and the expectations are even better for Software Developers, should you worry about having your own side projects? Much is said about…

Why become a Software Developer

The software development market is only getting better for a few years now and the projection is for this market to grow even more in the upcoming years both in size and value. If you are an experienced developer, recruiters…