isprintable(): checking printable characters in a string in Python

Use the isprintable() method to check if the characters in a string are printable.

text = '' # notice this is an empty string, there is no white space here
#output: True

text = 'This is a regular text'
#output: True

text = ' ' #one space
#output: True

text = '                        '  #many spaces
#output: True

text = '\f\n\r\t\v'
#output: False

Notice that in the first 4 examples, all the character take some space, even if it is an empty space as you could see in the first example.

The last example returns False, showing 5 kind of characters that are non-printable: form feed \f, line feed \n, carriage return \r, tab \t, and vertical tab \v.

Some of these ‘invisible’ characters may mess up your printing giving you an unxpected output, even when everything ‘looks’ alright.