SQL: Tables and Basic Structure

This is a direct continuation of my previous article Introduction to SQL.

SQL works on a structure with four components: Table, Field, Row, and Column.

You can think of those components exactly like the ones in spreadsheets like Excel.

A database can have one or more tables in it.


A table is a very common and simple way to organize data.

You have columns describe the kind of information and rows/records consisting of the information itself.

The following two tables Employees and Departments are the ones I will use to demonstrate the capabilities of SQL and how to manage data.

The Employees table contains data about the employees of a certain company.


| employee_id | name  |   job_title   | salary | hire_date  | department_id |
| 1           | Bob   | Engineer      | 80000  | 2015-04-12 | 2             |
| 2           | Mary  | Designer      | 60000  | 2017-06-21 | 2             |
| 3           | Sarah | Sales Manager | 98000  | 2013-09-05 | 1             |
| 4           | Peter | IT Manager    | 95000  | 2010-09-05 | 2             |
| 5           | Brian | HR Manager    | 92000  | 2012-09-05 | 3             |

The Departments table describes de departments the company has.


| department_id | department_name | city      | country | manager_id |
| 1             | Sales           | São Paulo | Brazil  | 3          |
| 2             | IT              | Barcelona | Spain   | 4          |
| 3             | Human Resources | New York  | USA     | 5          |


A field specifies the kind of information a particular column has and its type.

The Employees table has the following fields:

  • employee_id: de unique ID that identifies an employee
  • name: the name of the employee
  • job_title: the formal title the employee has inside the company
  • salary: how much the employee makes yearly
  • hire_date: when the employee was hired
  • department_id: the unique ID of the department where the employee works

The Departments table has the following fields:

  • department_id: the unique ID for the Department
  • department_name: the name of the Department
  • city: the city where the Department is located
  • country: the country where the Department is located
  • manager_id: the ID of the manager responsible for the department, the manager is an employee


A row is a record of data inside the Table.

The Employee table has 5 rows.

The first row is Bob\’s record.

Notice the row with the identifications of the fields does not count as "first" row, the counting begins with the first record.

| employee_id | name  |   job_title   | salary | hire_date  | department_id |
| 1           | Bob   | Engineer      | 80000  | 2015-04-12 | 2             |


A column is a field and all of its information.

The column employee_id in the Employees table has all the unique IDs of all the employees.

| employee_id |
| 1           |
| 2           |
| 3           |
| 4           |
| 5           |